CrossFit Barwon – CrossFit


Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM x 8

1) 50 ” hollow body hold

2) 10 flex press

rest 2 min

EMOM x 8

1) 50″ Headstand

2) 10 Shoulder extension flex

Threshold Training

Metcon (Time)


Double dumbbell power clean

Hand stand pushups

Rx+ Deficit HSPU 2/1 15 kb plate, 1/2 reps


Flow – Spine (No Measure)


Seal rocks

Kneeling Hindu Pushup

Quadruped Diagonals

Hip Abduction

Hip Rainbow

Spine Flexion, Extension, & Rotation

Shoulder Circles

Scapular Circles

Neck Rotations

Wrist Circles
Wrist prep and handstand wrist work

Post gymnastics HSPU work and skill transfer from Headstands

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