CrossFit Barwon – CrossFit Bootcamp

Threshold Training

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

2 Minute on, 2 Minute off, 4 rounds

10 Burpee box jump overs

20 Goblet squats 24/16 kg

Max Double unders

Rx+ start each round with 1-3 ring muscle ups


Metcon (Time)

5 Minute AMRAP, front rack ball or bag hold


Flow – Spine (No Measure)


Seal rocks

Kneeling Hindu Pushup

Quadruped Diagonals

Hip Abduction

Hip Rainbow

Spine Flexion, Extension, & Rotation

Shoulder Circles

Scapular Circles

Neck Rotations

Wrist Circles

Warm-up (No Measure)

Tension ramping

3 sets non stop

20″ front support

20″ wall sit

20″ off

3 sets

10 down ups

10 air squats

20″ rest

3 sets

5 down up over bar

5 goblet squats building, 40″ rest

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