CrossFit Barwon – Peak Pharmacy


Second Mechanics session.

Working on the agnostic patterns from session 1, still building the base.


Gymnastics pressing progression (No Measure)

Staring with with most used position in ALL gymnastics:

Tuck hollow

Single leg hollow

Straight leg hollow

Straight hollow

Hollow rocks

Progress to horizontal pressing:

Front Support

Box pushup

Banded pushup



Ring dip

Into Vertical pressing:

Wall handstand in long hollow

Wall walk

Kick to handstand – yes this can be very difficult

Handstand pushup

Hinging progression (No Measure)

Patterning movements:

Banded Hinge

KB Rear good morning

Plate good morning

Romanian KB deadlift

Progress to working from the ground up:

KB deadlift

Barbell deadlift

Sumo barbell deadlift


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds

10 banded good mornings

10 Front support shoulder taps

5 Cat cows


Diane (Time)

Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
Handstand Push-ups

Down Regulation

5 Minutes of Box Breathing

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