CrossFit Barwon – CrossFit


Metcon (Time)

5 rounds for time

400m run

15 Unbroken Thrusters 42.5/30 kg*

* if you break, drop 5kg, and start the set again.

Accessory Work

Postural work, scapulars (Time)

4 sets

10/10 Single arm banded row in tall kneeling


i) 1′ Front support

ii) 10 Scap shruggs

iii) 30″/side single arm front support

iv) 5/side Single arm scap shruggs

v) 30″ Planche lean

vi) 30″ elevated plance lean

record progression and time

Pullup EMOM x 5 (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM x 5

Kipping pullups


Strict pullups [rx+]

Alternating each time


Sprinters (No Measure)

400m run

8/side lying leg raise with bent knee

8/side lying leg raise with straight knee

4/direction Lying seated hip twists

8 legs over head into pancake

8/side bird dogs

8/side fire hydrant

4/side scorpion

8/side arm swings

form running drills

– high knees

– butt kicks

– back pedal

– karaoke

– 4x flying starts
EMOM x 5

5 Thrusters

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